Thinking you should implement some changes in your life and actually turning that into reality can be two different things. Sometimes old habits, beliefs and past experiences can get in the way of making things happen. Sometimes you are trapped trying to implement lifestyle changes within a wider family system. How do you make it all happen when you are exhausted from just trying to stay on the work/life treadmill?

Health Coaching...

is an holistic approach to managing aspects of your life that support wellness. You may have discussed changes with your doctor but have struggled to implement those changes into your life. Maybe you just need some support to kick into gear and make things happen.

Anyone who has discussed a need to make diet or lifestyle changes with their doctor can bring their challenges my way where we can set goals, adjust their mind-set, remove barriers and take action.

Rock Statue

Mental Skills Coaching or Counselling...

I have been helping clients change their thinking and their behaviours for many years. Using NLP coaching strategies in a FACT based model, hundreds of people have changed their lives for the better and leave my office feeling more empowered, lighter and stronger. Focussed Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (FACT) and a Person Centred approach aims to help you be your best self more often. I believe we are all doing the best we can with the resources we have available to us at the time. Learning new strategies to deal with anxiety, depression, stress, trauma and grief will allow you to tackle life in the way you want to, broadening your perspective to get you 'un-stuck', building flexibility and resilience.

A Qualified Professional...

I am constantly involved in professional development. I hold a Bachelor of Social Services (Counselling) (distinction) alongside a Diploma in Child and Adolescent Psychology. This really built on my skills and knowledge as a trained teacher and NLP Master Practitioner and I am confident and enthusiastic about the work I do with children and young people as well as adults. I am a fully Registered Member of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors. Having co-developed and facilitated a CDHB funded programme for adults with anxiety which has been independently established as reducing anxiety and depression symptoms and improving wellbeing for participants, and has now been running for over 10 years; I am confident in my approach and outcomes for my clients.

During 2017 I also undertook and completed a Certificate in Nutrition. This has enabled me to really round out my coaching skills with a sensible and holistic approach to health & wellness coaching. I have become more and more fascinated by the link between brain and body and there is much exciting research going on in this area. So often my clients feel their mental skills and health are compromised by their diet or physical health. It is a huge thrill to feel I can enable them to instigate any changes they want or need to make in their lifestyle in a way that supports all of their goals.

A Children's Specialist...

I am currently working part-time as a counsellor in the Health Centre at the University of Canterbury. Having previously worked as a counsellor in a Year 7-13 high school, with teacher training, a Diploma in Child and Adolescent Psychology and as a mother of 3, I am very well qualified and suitably skilled to work with children and young people. In particular, anxiety can be a limiting factor for experiencing life in a way that allows children to grow and flourish. Don't let anxiety limit their world - make some fun and easy changes now that could make all the difference.



At my spacious office at 1972 Telegraph Road, Darfield


Due to my workload, I am currently unavailable to take on new clients.Please check back again in a couple of months for availability.

How much?

1 hour sessions for adults $120. Children's sessions $90 - Gumboot Friday funding is available for a limited number of sessions for anyone under 25 years. Please indicate to Anna if you would like to access this fund for you child's sessions.


Wellbeing Workshops...

Wellness Coaching and/or Workshops for Businesses...

- reduces staff absence and turnover. Email me to discuss workshops that can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

Wellness Workshop Topics: Mindfulness, Supporting Wellness, Keeping Calm, and Finding Balance.

Workshops can be held at your workplace to suit.

Feedback from the workshops is overwhelmingly positive -

"Each workshop provided a new insight and something to 'takeaway' and work on each week. Wished the time hadn't gone so quickly." - A.M.

"I found these workshops very helpful and fun."

"It's been wonderful and I've gained so much from the past 5 weeks. Knowing how much it has helped me, I know it would be wonderful for others too :-) " J.K

The New Economics Foundation's Wellbeing at Work Report presents evidence that people who achieve good standards of wellbeing at work are likely to be more creative, more loyal and more productive. They also provide better customer satisfaction than those with poor levels of wellbeing at work. (Retrieved from Mental Health Foundation website, May 2018).



A few minutes of mindfulness every day can make discernible and lasting changes to your brain and mental health. The payoff to your physical health is also enormous. This video is about 11 minutes long and was filmed as I sat on the shore in beautiful Akaroa. Please go ahead and use it to get you in the habit then find your own mindful practice that works for you. If you would like me to come and take some mindfulness workshops at your workplace or for a group then just email me, I'm sure we can work out an option to suit.

Or try a 20 minute version - go ahead, take time to breathe...


Kiwi's Intrepid Journey is available as an ebook online from